When God speaks in a whisper, do we hear? Are we listening?
Perhaps we hear his voice in the ripple of a stream or a breeze through a forest – when our minds are at ease and our thoughts subdued – quiet – open – listening.
But our city and suburban days are filled with noise and our minds constantly busy with thoughts of today and tomorrow. And when we do find time to be quiet, our minds want to race ahead to the next task – or worry about things past. Many of us find it difficult to stay still for a minute without becoming agitated.
Our Taizé style service helps us enter a stillness – a stillness in which we can be receptive to the voice within. The blinds are drawn to block outside distractions and our focus is drawn toward the cross and candles. The periods of silence can sometimes be challenging – the mind may be racing – that other small voice may say ‘come on – get on with it’ – we might shuffle in our seats. But the repetitive chant-like songs, quiet readings and prayer help draw our minds away from everyday thoughts and allow us to enter a silence open to God’s whisper.
The service has a simple format of music, prayer, Bible readings and silence. While all are encouraged to join in the singing (for the reasons above), you may prefer to just listen. A monthly service (February to November) starting at 5 pm and finishing at 5:45 pm. Check the church pew slip or website for dates.
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Taizé service is usually held on 3rd Sun of the month (Feb-Nov) at St Mark’s, Templestowe, starting at 5 pm. See our Taizé page for more information.